Support Announcements

This page contains important announcements from Camunda’s Enterprise Support. In the following section we list information about changes to the supported environments and scheduled end of maintenance dates for specific versions of the Camunda Platform. The announced end of maintenance dates are based on our standard support period of 18 months.

Camunda Extended Support Offering

Camunda recommends that new projects be developed on Camunda Platform 8. We will continue to maintain and support Camunda Platform 7 and Cawemo according to the below schedule.

Camunda Platform 7 - Full Support (April 2022 - April 2027)

  • Incremental feature improvements (Last minor release October 2025)
  • Critical security/bug fixes (Patch releases)
  • Maintain supported environments (As part of the minor releases till October 2025; then as part of the patch releases)

Cawemo On-Premises - Maintenance Support (May 2024 - April 2027)

  • Critical security/bug fixes (Patch releases)
  • Maintain supported environments (As part of the patch releases)

Camunda Platform 7 and Cawemo On-Premises - Extended Support (April 2027+*)

  • Critical security/bug fixes
  • Maintain supported environments

*If you require Camunda Extended Support, contact your assigned Customer Success Manager.

Camunda 7 Community Edition

See details in the Camunda Forum.

Camunda Platform Announcements

Camunda Platform 7.24 LTS (Long term support)

Release Date: scheduled for 14th of October 2025

End of Maintenance: 13th of April 2027

Changes in Supported Environments:

Camunda Platform 7.23

Release Date: scheduled for 8th of April 2025

End of Maintenance: 13th of October 2026

Changes in Supported Environments:

Camunda Platform 7.22

Release Date: scheduled for 8th of October 2024

End of Maintenance: 14th of April 2026

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Apache Tomcat 10
  • Support for WildFly Application Server 33
  • Support for JBoss EAP 8
  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2022
  • Support for Oracle 23ai
  • End of Support MariaDB
  • End of Support WildFly Application Server 31
  • End of Support PostgreSQL 13
  • End of Support Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 13
  • End of Support Groovy 2.5

Other changes: * Deactivating Camunda Telemetry * Removing Swagger from Camunda 7 Run Getting Started Experience

Camunda Platform 7.21

Release Date: scheduled for 9th of April 2024

End of Maintenance: 14th of October 2025

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Java 21
  • Support for SpringBoot 3.2 (Support is also provided for Camunda 7.20 as a patch)
  • Support for Quarkus 3.8 LTS
  • Support for WildFly 31
  • Support for PostgreSQL 16 (Support is also provided for Camunda 7.20 as a patch)
  • Support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 15
  • End of Support for Spring Boot 3.1
  • End of Support for Quarkus 3.2 LTS
  • End of Support for WildFly 27 / 29
  • End of Support Cockroach DB

Camunda Platform 7.20

Release Date: scheduled for 10th of October 2023

End of Maintenance: 8th of April 2025

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for SpringBoot 3.1
  • Support for Quarkus 3.2 LTS
  • Support for Camunda Run Java 17
  • Support for WildFly Application Server 29
  • End of Support for Java 8
  • End of Support for Camunda Run Java 8 and Java 11
  • End of Support for Spring Boot 2.x
  • End of Support for Quarkus 2.x
  • End of Support for IBM WebSphere Application Server 9.0
  • End of Support for WildFly 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 24 / 25
  • End of Support for JBoss EAP 7.2 / 7.3
  • End of Support for PostgreSQL 12
  • End of Support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 12
  • End of Support for Oracle 12c

Removed support for Modules:

  • End of Support for Camunda RPA Bridge
  • End of Support for XSLT script engine
  • End of Support for Velocity and XQuery Script Engines
  • End of Support for Standalone Web Application Distribution

Note that this does not affect previous Camunda versions, i.e. 7.19 and before.

Camunda Platform 7.19

Release Date: scheduled for 11th of April 2023

End of Maintenance: 9th of October 2024

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Wildfly Application Server 27
  • Support for Quarkus 2.16
  • Support for PostgreSQL 15 (also supported as of 7.18.1+)
  • Support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL compatible with PostgreSQL 13 / 14
  • End of Support for PostgreSQL 11
  • End of Support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 11
  • End of Support for WildFly Application Server 14
  • End of Support for MariaDB 10.3
  • End of Support for MySQL 5.7
  • End of Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2016
  • End of Support for NodeJS 10 for the Javascript External Task Client. Version 3.0.0 requires NodeJS 18 or higher.

Camunda Platform 7.18

Release Date: scheduled for 11th of October 2022

End of Maintenance: 10th of April 2024

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for PostgreSQL 14
  • Support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL compatible with PostgreSQL 11 (also supported as of 7.17.6+)
  • Support for H2 2.1 (also supported as of 7.17.3+)
  • Support for IBM Websphere Liberty 22
  • End of Support for IBM DB2 11.1
  • End of Support for PostgreSQL 10
  • End of Support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 10
  • End of Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2014
  • End of Support for WildFly Application Server 13
  • End of Support for JBoss EAP 7.0 / 7.1
  • End of Support for Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (12R2)

Camunda Platform 7.17

Release Date: scheduled for 12th of April 2022

End of Maintenance: 11th of October 2023

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Weblogic 14
  • Support for WildFly Application Server 26.0
  • Support for DB2 11.5
  • Support for H2 2.0
  • Support for MariaDB 10.6
  • Support for Java 17
  • End of Support for IBM Websphere 8.5
  • End of Support for H2 1.4
  • End of Support for MariaDB 10.2
  • End of Support for MariaDB Galera Cluster
  • End of Support for PostgreSQL 9.6 (and compatible Amazon Aurora versions)
  • End of Support for Java 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15

Camunda Platform 7.16

Release Date: scheduled for 12th of October 2021

End of Maintenance: 11th of April 2023

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for WildFly Application Server 23.0
  • Support for JBoss EAP 7.4
  • Support for Azure SQL
  • Support for Java 15
  • End of Support for Wildfly 12
  • End of Support for JBoss EAP 6.4
  • End of Support for MySQL 5.6
  • End of Support for DB2 10.5
  • End of Support for SQL Server 2012
  • End of Support for Oracle 18

Camunda Platform 7.15

Release Date: scheduled for 13th of April 2021

End of Maintenance: 11th of October 2022

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for WildFly Application Server 21.0 / 22.0
  • Support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL compatible with PostgreSQL 10.13 (also supported as of 7.12.16+, 7.13.10+, 7.14.4+)
  • Support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL compatible with PostgreSQL 12.4
  • Support for PostgreSQL 10.13 (also supported as of 7.12.18+, 7.13.11+, 7.14.5+)
  • Support for PostgreSQL 13
  • Support for MySQL 8.0
  • End of Support for Wildfly 10.1
  • End of Support for Wildfly 11
  • End of Support for Tomcat 7.0
  • End of Support for Tomcat 8.0
  • End of Support for PostgreSQL 9.4
  • End of Support for Oracle 11
  • End of Support for MariaDB 10.0

Camunda Platform 7.14

Release Date: scheduled for 13th of October 2020

End of Maintenance: 12th of April 2022

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019
  • Support for CockroachDB v20.1.3
  • Support for WildFly Application Server 20.0
  • Support for JBoss EAP 7.3

Camunda Platform 7.13

Release Date: scheduled for 31st of May 2020

End of Maintenance: 30th of November 2021

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Java 14
  • Support for Oracle 19c (also supported as of 7.12.2+)
  • Support for PostgreSQL 12.2
  • Support for WildFly Application Server 19.0
  • End of Support for Oracle WebLogic Server 12R1
  • End of Support for Internet Explorer 11
  • The Javascript External Task Client (version 2.0.0) requires NodeJS 10 or higher. It cannot be used with NodeJS 8 anymore.

Camunda Platform 7.12

Release Date: scheduled for 30th of November 2019

End of Maintenance: 31st of May 2021

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Java 13
  • Support for WildFly Application Server 17 / 18
  • End of Support for Java 7
  • End of Support for JBoss Application Server 7
  • End of Support for JBoss EAP 6.1 / 6.2 / 6.3
  • End of Support for WildFly Application Server 8.2
  • End of Support for Oracle 10
  • End of Support for PostgreSQL 9.1 / 9.3
  • End of Support for DB2 9.7 / 10.1
  • End of Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Camunda Platform 7.11

Release Date: 31st of May 2019

End of Maintenance: 30th of November 2020

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Java 12
  • Support for Postgres 10.7, 11.1 and 11.2
  • Support for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6 / 10.4 / 10.7
  • Support for Oracle 18c
  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2017
  • Support for JBoss EAP 7.2
  • Support for WildFly Application Server 15 / 16

Camunda Platform 7.10

Release Date: 30th of November 2018

End of Maintenance: 31st of May 2020

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for the latest Version of the WildFly Application Server
  • Support for Java Version > 8
  • Support for Database PostgreSQL 10.4
  • Support for Database MariaDB 10.3
  • End of Support for Application Server IBM WebSphere 8.0
  • End of Support for Java 6

Camunda Platform 7.9

Release Date: 31st of May 2018

End of Maintenance: 30th of November 2019

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Application Server Tomcat 9
  • Support for Application Server WildFly 11
  • Support for Application JBoss EAP 7.1
  • Support for Database MariaDB 10.2
  • Support for Spring Boot 2.0

Camunda Platform 7.8

Release Date: 30th of November 2017

End of Maintenance: 31st of May 2019

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Database Microsoft SQL Server 2016
  • Support for Microsoft Edge
  • End of Support for Internet Explorer 9 and 10

Camunda Platform 7.7

Release Date: 31st of May 2017

End of Maintenance: 30th of November 2018

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Application Server IBM WebSphere 9.0
  • Support for Database IBM DB2 11.1
  • Support for Database PostgreSQL 9.6

Camunda Platform 7.6

Release Date: 25th of November 2016

End of Maintenance: 31st of May 2018

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Application Server JBoss EAP 7.0
  • Support for Database MariaDB Galera Cluster

Camunda Platform 7.5

Release Date: 31st of May 2016

End of Maintenance: 30th of November 2017

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Application Server WildFly 10.0
  • End of Support for Application Server WildFly 8.1
  • End of Support for Application Server GlassFish 3.1
  • End of Support for Database MySQL 5.1 / 5.5
  • End of Support for Java Runtime Vendor OpenJDK 6

Camunda Platform 7.4

Release Date: 30th of November 2015

End of Maintenance: 31st of May 2017

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Application Server Apache Tomcat 8
  • Support for Application Server Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (12R1,12R2)

Camunda Platform 7.3

Release Date: 28th of May 2015

End of Maintenance: 30th of November 2016

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Application Server WildFly 8.1 / 8.2
  • Support for Database MariaDB 10.0
  • Support for Database MySQL 5.5 / 5.6
  • Support for Database Oracle 12c
  • Support for Database IBM DB2 10.1 / 10.5
  • Support for Database PostgreSQL 9.4
  • Support for Database Microsoft SQL Server 2014
  • Support for Runtime Environment OpenJDK 6 / 7
  • Support for Runtime Environment IBM® J9 virtual machine (JVM) 8
  • Support for Runtime Environment Sun / Oracle Hot Spot 8

Camunda Platform 7.2

Release Date: 28th of November 2014

End of Maintenance: 31st of May 2016

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Application Server JBoss EAP 6.3 / 6.4
  • Support for Database PostgreSQL 9.3
  • Support for Runtime Environemt Java 8 (if supported by your application server / container)

Product Change: With Camunda Platform 7.2.0, Camunda BPM Cycle is no longer bundled in the distribution of our platform. We provide Camunda BPM Cycle in an own distribution. Since the separation, Camunda BPM Cycle is only provided and supported for the Apache Tomcat application server. You can download Cycle here.

Camunda Optimize Announcements

Camunda Optimize 3.14

Release Date: Scheduled for 8th of October 2024

End of Maintenance: 14th of April 2026

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Dropped support for Java 17 and Java 20
  • New minimum required Java version is 21

Camunda Optimize 3.13

Release Date: 9th of April 2024

End of Maintenance: 14th of October 2025

Camunda Optimize 3.12

Release Date: 9th of January 2024

End of Maintenance: 7th of July 2025

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Added support for Elasticsearch 8.9+
  • Dropped support for Elasticsearch 8.8

Camunda Optimize 3.11

Release Date: 10th of October 2023

End of Maintenance: 9th of April 2025

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Added support for Elasticsearch 8.8
  • Dropped support for Elasticsearch 7.16, 7.17, 8.5 and 8.6
  • Added support for Camunda Platform 7.20
  • Dropped support for Camunda Platform 7.17

Camunda Optimize 3.10

Release Date: 11th of April 2023

End of Maintenance: 9th of October 2024

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Added support for Elasticsearch 8.5, 8.6
  • Dropped support for Elasticsearch 7.13, 7.14 and 7.15
  • Added support for Camunda Platform 7.19
  • Dropped support for Camunda Platform 7.16


  • The option to customize the UI header is removed. Details can be found: Update notes

Camunda Optimize 3.9

Release Date: 11th of October 2022

End of Maintenance: 10th of April 2024

  • Added support for Camunda Platform 7.18
  • Dropped support for Camunda Platform 7.15
  • Dropped support for Elasticsearch 7.10, 7.11 and 7.12

Camunda Optimize 3.8

Release Date: 12th of April 2022

End of Maintenance: 9th of October 2023

  • Dropped support for Elasticsearch 7.8 and 7.9
  • Added support for Elasticsearch 7.17

Camunda Optimize 3.7

Release Date: 11th of January 2022

End of Maintenance: 30th of June 2023 (Extended to 8th of October 2024*)

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Added support for Elasticsearch 7.16.2+
  • Note: Elasticsearch 7.16.0 and 7.16.1 are known to not work with Optimize because of the following regression
  • *Extension of maintenance
    • Camunda does NOT officially support OpenSearch, but it was technically possible to use it with Optimize 3.7.
    • For the benefit of our Optimize customers using OpenSearch we have extended the maintenance of the 3.7 release by 3 months to October 2023.
    • In October 2023, we plan to deliver 3.11, which will include OpenSearch support and a direct migration from 3.7 to 3.11.

Camunda Optimize 3.6

Release Date: 12th of October 2021

End of Maintenance: 31st of March 2023

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Added support for Elasticsearch 7.14, 7.15, 7.16.2+ versions
  • Added support for Camunda Platform 7.16.x releases
  • Ended support for Camunda Platform 7.13.x releases
  • New minimum required Camunda Platform version is 7.14.0

Camunda Optimize 3.5

Release Date: 13th of July 2021

End of Maintenance: 31st of December 2022

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Ended support for Java 8
  • Ended support for Elasticsearch 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7 versions
  • Added support for Elasticsearch 7.12 and 7.13 versions

Camunda Optimize 3.4

Release Date: 13th of April 2021

End of Maintenance: 30th of September 2022

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Added support for Elasticsearch 7.11 version
  • Ended support for Elasticsearch 7.3 and 7.4 as well as 7.5 versions
  • Added support for Camunda Platform 7.15.x releases
  • Ended support for Camunda Platform 7.12.x releases
  • New Minimum required Camunda Platform version is 7.13.5

Camunda Optimize 3.3

Release Date: 12th of January 2021

End of Maintenance: 30th of June 2022

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Added support for Elasticsearch 7.9 and 7.10 versions
  • Ended support for Elasticsearch 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 versions

Camunda Optimize 3.2

Release Date: 13th of October 2020

End of Maintenance: 31st of March 2022

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Added support for Elasticsearch 7.7 and 7.8 versions
  • Minimum required Camunda Platform version is raised to 7.12.11.
  • End of Support for Camunda Platform 7.11 releases
  • Support for Camunda Platform 7.14 releases

Camunda Optimize 3.1

Release Date: 14th of July 2020

End of Maintenance: 31st of December 2021

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Minimum required Camunda Platform version is raised to 7.11.13.
  • End of Support for Camunda Platform 7.10 releases
  • Support for Camunda Platform 7.13 releases

Camunda Optimize 3.0

Release Date: 3rd of April 2020

End of Maintenance: 30th of September 2021

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Minimum required Elasticsearch version is raised to 7.0.0. This includes at least Elasticsearch versions 7.0 - 7.6.
  • End of Support for Elasticsearch 6.4.X, 6.5.X, 6.6.X, 6.7.X, 6.8.X releases.
  • End of Support for Internet Explorer.
  • Optimize supports only the latest Edge browser version. Unfortunately, Microsoft does not update Edge to the new version through it’s update system, but you have to do that manually. Either download it from the offical page and install the new version manually or ask your administrator to do that for you.

Camunda Optimize 2.7

Release Date: 20th of December 2019

End of Maintenance: 30th of June 2021

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Minimum required Elasticsearch version is raised to 6.4.0
  • End of Support for Elasticsearch 6.2.X, 6.3.X releases
  • Minimum required Camunda Platform version is raised to 7.10.6.
  • End of Support for Camunda Platform 7.9 releases
  • Support for Camunda Platform version 7.12.0
  • Support for Java 13
  • Support for Adopt OpenJDK
  • End of Support for Java 12

Camunda Optimize 2.6

Release Date: 2nd of October 2019

End of Maintenance: 31st of March 2021

Changes in Supported Environments:

Camunda Optimize 2.5

Release Date: 28th of June 2019

End of Maintenance: 31st of December 2020

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Elasticsearch 6.6.0+, 6.7.0+, 6.8.0+
  • Support for Java 12

Camunda Optimize 2.4

Release Date: 29th of March 2019

End of Maintenance: 30th of September 2020

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for Elasticsearch 6.2.0+, 6.3.1+, 6.4.0+, 6.5.0+
  • End of Support for Elasticsearch 6.0.0

Cawemo On-Premises Announcements

End of Life Notification

Cawemo On-Premises will continue to receive support, aligned with the Camunda 7 extended support timelines. For detailed information on these timelines and the support scope, please refer to the Camunda 7 Extended Support Offering.

Cawemo On-Premises 1.9

Release Date: 11th of January 2022

End of Maintenance: 1st of April 2027

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • End of Support for Cawemo Engine Plugin < 1.3

Cawemo On-Premises 1.8

Release Date: 12th of October 2021

End of Maintenance: 11th of January 2022

Changes in Supported Environments:

  • Support for PostgreSQL 10, 11, 12, 13
  • End of Support for PostgreSQL 9.6

Cawemo On-Premises 1.7

Release Date: 13th of July 2021

End of Maintenance: 12th of October 2021

Cawemo On-Premises 1.6

Release Date: 13th of April 2021

End of Maintenance: 13th of July 2021

Cawemo On-Premises 1.5

Release Date: 12th of January 2021

End of Maintenance: 13th of April 2021

Cawemo On-Premises 1.4

Release Date: 13th of October 2020

End of Maintenance: 12th of January 2021

Cawemo On-Premises 1.3

Release Date: 14th of July 2020

End of Maintenance: 13th of October 2020

Cawemo On-Premises 1.2

Release Date: 14th of April 2020

End of Maintenance: 14th of July 2020

Cawemo On-Premises 1.1

Release Date: 13th of November 2019

End of Maintenance: 14th of April 2020

Cawemo SaaS Announcements

End of Life Notification

Effective 30th April 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhance collaboration between Business and IT teams, we at Camunda have been diligently working to evolve our product offerings.

In line with this vision and based on insightful customer conversations, we have already combined the power of Cawemo and our Desktop Modeler to create Web Modeler, which is the successor to Cawemo. The Web Modeler is designed to significantly improve time to value for both developers and business users by fostering a unified environment that enhances collaboration.

Key Transition Information:

End of Life for Cawemo SaaS: Effective 30th April 2024, the Cawemo SaaS service will be retired for all customers and users. This decision aligns with our strategic focus on delivering an integrated, comprehensive modeling experience.

Data Access and Transition Deadline: This means that you have until the 30th of April to export your data and transition to one of the options outlined below. Please be advised that after the 30th of April, you will not be able to access data within Cawemo SaaS. In line with our data retention policy, your data will be stored for an additional 30 days after this date. It is crucial to export any required data before the 30th of April to ensure you retain access to your information.

Transition Options:

Move to Web Modeler: Experience the combined power of Cawemo and our Desktop Modeler in a seamless, collaborative environment. For modeling only or Camunda 8 processes.

Move to Desktop Modeler: Opt for a standalone BPMN modeling experience. Support both Camunda 7 and Camunda 8 processes.

Move to Cawemo On-Premise: Continue with the familiar Cawemo environment, For modeling only or Camunda 7 processes. Please note that support for Cawemo On-Premise aligns with Camunda 7 timelines.

We understand that change can be challenging, and our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition for you and your organization. For any queries or support during this transition phase, please do not hesitate to reach out to your account team.

What does End of Maintenance Mean?

End of maintenance means that Camunda will not perform any maintenance or release any bug fixes and patch releases related to the mentioned version after the specified date. In case you are planning to migrate to a more recent version of Camunda Platform, check our Update & Migration Guide.

Please let us know if you have any concerns or if you need help migrating to a new version.

Why is Camunda Changing the Support for Environments?

Camunda is committed to delivering improvements and bug fixes as fast as possible. We are also committed to providing world class support for our software running in different environments. However, as new versions of databases, web browsers, etc, are released, the cost of supporting multiple environments grows exponentially, making it harder to provide the level of support our customers have come to expect from us. Therefore, we no longer support environments marked as end-of-life by the vendor, or very old versions that are no longer widely used.

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