Templates: create

Creates a new template.


HTTP Request

POST https://cawemo.example.com/api/v1/templates

Request Body

In the request body, supply a Templates resource with the following properties:

Property Name Type Description Notes
$schema (optional) string URI pointing towards the JSON schema which defines the structure of the element template .json file. Element template schemas are maintained in the element templates JSON schema repository. In case no $schema is defined, Cawemo assumes the latest JSON Schema version.
appliesTo string[] List of BPMN types the template can be applied to.
description (optional) string Description of the template.
metadata.catalogId string Unique identifier of the catalog project the template's is located in.
metadata.published (optional) boolean Whether the template should be published. Defaults to false.
metadata.templateVersionName (optional) string The name of the published template version. Only taken into account in combination with metadata.published: true.
name string Name of the template.
properties (optional) object[] List of properties of the template, see the Camunda Modeler documentation for a description.
scopes (optional) object[] List of scoped bindings of the template, see the Camunda Modeler documentation for a description.


If successful, this method returns a Templates resource in the response body.

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