Supported Environments

Run Camunda Optimize in a Java-runnable environment. The following environments are supported:

Web Browser

  • Google Chrome latest [recommended]
  • Mozilla Firefox latest
  • Microsoft Edge latest

Camunda Platform

  • Production versions of the Camunda Engine version 7.14.0+, 7.15.0+ and 7.16.0+ with REST API and history with level full enabled are supported. Development (alpha) versions are not supported. For optimal performance, we always recommend running the latest version of the Camunda Engine. To ensure correct logging of user operations using the REST API, they should always be performed with user authentication. Alternatively, restrictUserOperationLogToAuthenticatedUsers should be set to false in the connected engine, this setting allows user operations to be logged even if there is no user authentication context for the request.


  • Elasticsearch 7.8.0+, 7.9.0+, 7.10.0+, 7.11.0+, 7.12.0+, 7.13.0+, 7.14.0+, 7.15.0+
  • Any minor version above the ones listed in the previous point is likely to be supported as well, but this hasn’t been tested. For this reason, Camunda doesn’t give any warranty.
  • Any major version smaller or greater than ElasticSearch 7 will be rejected by Optimize. For example, Optimize won’t work with ElasticSearch 6.X or 8.X.
  • For the supported versions mentioned before, the Elasticsearch community as well as any professional version is supported. However, bear in mind that the professional edition comes with additional safety features that allow you to secure Elasticsearch. If you use the community edition, securing Elasticsearch needs to be done manually.

Java Runtime

Optimize tries to support LTS versions of Java for as long as reasonably possible. Non-LTS versions newer than the supported LTS versions may also work, but we recommend using one of the releases listed below.

  • Oracle JDK/JRE 11
  • Open JDK/JRE 11 including builds of the following products:
    • Adopt OpenJDK


DMN - Decision Model and Notation Standard