Interface HistoryRemovalTimeProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface HistoryRemovalTimeProvider
The provider is either invoked on root process instance start or end based on the selected history removal time strategy.
Tassilo Weidner
  • Method Details

    • calculateRemovalTime

      Date calculateRemovalTime(HistoricProcessInstanceEventEntity historicRootProcessInstance, ProcessDefinition processDefinition)
      Calculates the removal time of historic entities related to processes. START: the removal time is set for each historic entity separately on occurrence (creation). HistoricScopeInstanceEvent.getEndTime() is null END: the removal time is updated simultaneously for all historic entities which belong to the root process instance when it ends. HistoricScopeInstanceEvent.getEndTime() is not null
      historicRootProcessInstance - which is either in state running or ended
      processDefinition - of the historic root process instance
      the removal time for historic process instances
    • calculateRemovalTime

      Date calculateRemovalTime(HistoricDecisionInstanceEntity historicRootDecisionInstance, DecisionDefinition decisionDefinition)
      Calculates the removal time of historic entities related to decisions.
      historicRootDecisionInstance -
      decisionDefinition - of the historic root decision instance
      the removal time for historic decision instances
    • calculateRemovalTime

      Date calculateRemovalTime(HistoricBatchEntity historicBatch)
      Calculates the removal time of historic batches. START: the removal time is set for the historic batch entity on start. HistoricBatchEntity.getEndTime() is null END: the removal time is set for the historic batch entity on end. HistoricBatchEntity.getEndTime() is not null
      historicBatch - which is either in state running or ended
      the removal time of historic entities