Camunda Connector Reference

Camunda Connect provides a simple API for connecting HTTP services and other things. It aims at two usage scenarios: usage in a generic system such as the Camunda 7 process engine and standalone usage via API.


Camunda Connect provides a HTTP and a SOAP HTTP connector. If you want to add an own connector to Connect please have a look at the extending Connect section. This section also describes the usage of a ConnectorConfigurator to configure the connector instances.

During the request invocation of a connector an interceptor chain is passed. The user can add own interceptors to this chain. The interceptor is called for every request of this connector.


Maven Coordinates

Connect can be used in any Java-based application by adding the following maven dependency to your pom.xml file:

Camunda BOM

If you use other Camunda 7 projects please import the Camunda BOM to ensure correct versions for every Camunda project.



Camunda Connect is published to maven central.

Process engine plugin

If you are using Connect in the Camunda 7 process engine, you also need the camunda-engine-plugin-connect dependency. For more information, refer to the Connectors guide.


Camunda Connect uses camunda-commons-logging which itself uses SLF4J as a logging backend. To enable logging a SLF4J implementation has to be part of your classpath. For example slf4j-simple, log4j12 or logback-classic.

To also enable logging for the Apache HTTP client you can use a SLF4J bridge like jcl-over-slf4j as the Apache HTTP Client doesn’t support SLF4J.

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