Interface DmnEvaluatedOutput

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DmnEvaluatedOutput
The output for a evaluated decision.

In a decision table implementation an output can have a human readable name and a name which can be used to reference the output value in the decision result.

The human readable name is the label attribute of the DMN XML output element. You can access this name by the getName() getter.

The output name to reference the output value in the decision result is the name attribute of the DMN XML output element. You can access this output name by the getOutputName() getter.

The id and value of the evaluated decision table output entry can be access by the getId() and getValue() getter.

  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      the id of the evaluated output or null if not set
    • getName

      String getName()
      the name of the evaluated output or null if not set
    • getOutputName

      String getOutputName()
      the output name of the evaluated output or null if not set
    • getValue

      TypedValue getValue()
      the value of the evaluated output or null if non set