
You can override the default configuration of Tasklist using a central configuration file located in app/tasklist/scripts/config.js. Currently, the following configuration options are available:

Date Format

Dates can be configured by specifying a dateFormat object. The values of the properties of this object must be strings representing date formats in accordance with moment.js. Following date formats are used within Tasklist:

  • monthName represents the name of a month (e.g., January).
  • day represents the number of a day in a month (1..31).
  • abbr represents a short format of a date including time.
  • normal represents the standard format of a date including time.
  • long represents a verbose format of a date including time and day of the week.
  • short represents a short format of a date excluding time.


"dateFormat": {
  "monthName": "MMM",
  "long":   "LLLL"


The localization of Tasklist is contained in the app/tasklist/locales/ directory. This directory contains a separate localization file for every available language. The file name consists of the language code and the suffix .json (e.g., en.json).

Tasklist uses a locale file corresponding to the language settings of the browser. You can set the availableLocales property in the configuration file to provide a list of available locales. Every locale which is contained in this list must have a locale file in the locales directory with the corresponding language code.

If the browser uses a language which is not available, Tasklist uses the locale which is defined via the fallbackLocale property in the configuration file:

"locales": {
  "availableLocales": ["en", "de"],
  "fallbackLocale": "en"

To create a new localization for Tasklist, copy the provided language file, translate it and save it as new localization file with the corresponding language code. To make the new translation available, add it to the list of available locales in the configuration file.

Custom Scripts

If you want to add scripts (to add new AngularJS directives or other libraries) you should add a customScripts property to the app/tasklist/scripts/config.js file with something like this:

var camTasklistConf = {
  // …
  customScripts: {
    // names of angular modules defined in your custom script files.
    // will be added to the 'cam.tasklist.custom' as dependencies
    ngDeps: ['my.custom.module'],

    // RequireJS modules to load.
    deps: ['custom-ng-module'],

    // RequreJS path definitions
    paths: {
      'custom-ng-module': '../custom-ng-module/script'

This includes a custom-ng-module/script.js file. The path is relative to the app/tasklist/ folder in the Camunda webapp .war file.

Note: The content of the customScripts property will be treated as a RequireJS configuration except for the nodeIdCompat and skipDataMain which are irrelevant and deps which will be used like:

require(config.deps, callback);

In your scripts, you can add a controller and directive like this:

'use strict';
define('custom-ng-module', [
], function (angular) {
  // define a new angular module named my.custom.module
  // it will be added as angular module dependency to builtin 'cam.tasklist.custom' module
  // see the config.js entry above
  var customModule = angular.module('my.custom.module', []);

  // …so now, you can safely add your controllers…
  customModule.controller('customController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.var1 = 'First variable';
    $scope.var2 = 'Second variable';

  // …directives or else.
  customModule.directive('customDirective', function () {
    return {
      template: 'Directive example: "{{ var1 }}", "{{ var2 }}"'

  // it is not necessary to 'return' the customModule but it might come handy
  return customModule;

And finally, in your UI or embedded forms, you can use the new features like this:

<div ng-controller="customController">
  <div custom-directive> - (in this case; will be overwritten) - </div>


If you want to change the keyboard shortcuts for certain tasklist operations, you can change the key-combination and the description of the shortcuts in the shortcuts section of the config file.

Removing an existing entry from the list will disable this shortcut (you can still perform the operation normally within the tasklist, i.e. removing the Claim Task shortcut will not remove the ability to claim a task either with the mouse or with the normal keyboard navigation).

You can also add additional shortcuts. If you do so, whenever the user presses the registered combination of keys, an angular event in the form of shortcut:{{nameOfShortcut}} will be broadcasted across the application. A Tasklist plugin can then react to this event.

Logo and Header Color

To change visual aspects of Tasklist, you can edit the user stylesheet file located in app/tasklist/styles/user-styles.css. This file contains CSS which is loaded into Tasklist and can override the standard styles.

.navbar-brand {
  /* hides the "Camunda Tasklist" text */
  text-indent: -999em;
  /* put your logo */
  background-image: url(./path/to/the/logo.png);
  /* sets the width to match the logo's width */
  width: 80px;

/* changes the header bottom border color  */
[cam-widget-header] {
  border-bottom-color: blue;

Note: you can also change the app name (Tasklist) and vendor (Camunda) by changing the app/tasklist/scripts/config.js configuration file as follow:

// …
app: {
  name: 'Todos',
  vendor: 'Company'
// …

Change CSRF Cookie Name

The default name of the CSRF Cookie is XSRF-TOKEN. When using other applications within the same-origin, the CSRF mechanisms could interfere with each other. To avoid the name conflict, you can change the name of the CSRF cookie in the config.js file as follows:

var camTasklistConf = {
  // …
  csrfCookieName: 'MY-XSRF-TOKEN'

Note: Please make sure to change the CSRF cookie name also on server-side.

Disable Welcome Message for new Users

First-time visitors are shown a message directing them to the camunda welcome page. If you do not want this message to be shown, you can disable it by adjusting the config.js as follows:

var camTasklistConf = {
  // …
  disableWelcomeMessage: true

Note: This does only affect the Tasklist login page. For other webapps, you need to adjust the corresponding config file as well.

Advanced Styles Customization

In addition to the basic user-styles.css file, you can edit the source style- and layout files using less to change the overall appearance of Tasklist.

If you want to customize the interface with less, you should probably start by having a look at the variables defined in the following files:

  • node_modules/camunda-commons-ui/node_modules/bootstrap/less/variables.less defines the original Bootstrap variables
  • node_modules/camunda-commons-ui/resources/less/cam-variables.less overrides some Bootstrap variables (above) and add some custom ones

Compiling with Grunt

From within the camunda-bpm-webapp directory:

grunt build:tasklist

The command will build the frontend assets (of Tasklist), styles included.

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