Interface Execution

All Known Subinterfaces:
ProcessInstance, ProcessInstanceWithVariables
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExecutionEntity, ProcessInstanceWithVariablesImpl

public interface Execution
Represent a 'path of execution' in a process instance. Note that a ProcessInstance also is an execution.
Joram Barrez
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The unique identifier of the execution.
    The Key of the process definition.
    Id of the root of the execution tree representing the process instance.
    The id of the tenant this execution belongs to.
    Indicates if the execution is ended.
    Indicates if the execution is suspended.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      The unique identifier of the execution.
    • isSuspended

      boolean isSuspended()
      Indicates if the execution is suspended.
    • isEnded

      boolean isEnded()
      Indicates if the execution is ended.
    • getProcessInstanceId

      String getProcessInstanceId()
      Id of the root of the execution tree representing the process instance. It is the same as getId() if this execution is the process instance.
    • getTenantId

      String getTenantId()
      The id of the tenant this execution belongs to. Can be null if the execution belongs to no single tenant.
    • getProcessDefinitionKey

      String getProcessDefinitionKey()
      The Key of the process definition.