Interface BatchStatistics

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public interface BatchStatistics extends Batch

Additional statistics for a single batch.

Contains the number of remaining jobs, completed and failed batch execution jobs. The following relation between these exists: batch total jobs = remaining jobs + completed jobs

  • Method Details

    • getRemainingJobs

      int getRemainingJobs()

      The number of remaining batch execution jobs. This does include failed batch execution jobs and batch execution jobs which still have to be created by the seed job.

      See Batch.getTotalJobs() for the number of all batch execution jobs, getCompletedJobs() for the number of completed batch execution jobs and getFailedJobs() for the number of failed batch execution jobs.

      the number of remaining batch execution jobs
    • getCompletedJobs

      int getCompletedJobs()

      The number of completed batch execution jobs. This does include aborted/deleted batch execution jobs.

      See Batch.getTotalJobs() for the number of all batch execution jobs, getRemainingJobs() ()} for the number of remaining batch execution jobs and getFailedJobs() for the number of failed batch execution jobs.

      the number of completed batch execution jobs
    • getFailedJobs

      int getFailedJobs()

      The number of failed batch execution jobs. This does not include aborted or deleted batch execution jobs.

      See Batch.getTotalJobs() for the number of all batch execution jobs, getRemainingJobs() ()} for the number of remaining batch execution jobs and getCompletedJobs() ()} for the number of completed batch execution jobs.

      the number of failed batch execution jobs