Interface TransitionInstance

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public interface TransitionInstance extends ProcessElementInstance

A transition instance represents an execution token that has just completed a transition (sequence flow in BPMN) or is about to take an outgoing transition. This happens before starting or after leaving an activity. The execution token is not actually executing the activity that this instance points to which is why the corresponding activity instance does not exist.

Transition instances are the result of asynchronous continuations, asyncBefore or asyncAfter.

Daniel Meyer, Thorben Lindhauer
  • Method Details

    • getTargetActivityId

      @Deprecated String getTargetActivityId()
      a transition instances represents a transition to or from an activity; use getActivityId() instead.
      returns the id of the target activity
    • getActivityId

      String getActivityId()
      returns the id of the activity a transition is made from/to
    • getExecutionId

      String getExecutionId()
      returns the id of of the execution that is executing this transition instance
    • getActivityType

      String getActivityType()
      returns the type of the activity a transition is made from/to. Corresponds to BPMN element name in XML (e.g. 'userTask'). The type of the root activity instance (the one corresponding to the process instance) is 'processDefinition'.
    • getActivityName

      String getActivityName()
      returns the name of the activity a transition is made from/to
    • getIncidentIds

      String[] getIncidentIds()
      the ids of currently open incidents
    • getIncidents

      Incident[] getIncidents()
      the list of currently open incidents