Interface LicenseKeyData

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface LicenseKeyData
    This class represents the data structure used for collecting information about the license key issued for enterprise versions of Camunda Platform. This information is sent to Camunda when telemetry is enabled.
    See Also:
    Camunda Documentation: Collected Telemetry Data
    • Method Detail

      • getCustomer

        String getCustomer()
        The name of the customer this license was issued for.
      • getType

        String getType()
        Camunda uses different license types e.g., when one license includes usage of Cawemo enterprise.
      • getValidUntil

        String getValidUntil()
        The expiry date of the license in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
      • isUnlimited

        Boolean isUnlimited()
        A flag indicating if the license is unlimited or expires.
      • getFeatures

        Map<String,​String> getFeatures()
        A collection of features that are enabled through this license. Features could be Camunda BPM, Optimize or Cawemo.
      • getRaw

        String getRaw()
        The raw license data. This combines all data fields also included in this class in the form which is stored in the license key String. Note, that this is not the license key as issued to the customer but only contains the plain-text part of it and not the encrypted key.