Class FeelToJuelTransformImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • FeelToJuelTransformImpl

        public FeelToJuelTransformImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • transformSimpleUnaryTests

        public String transformSimpleUnaryTests​(String simpleUnaryTests,
                                                String inputName)
        Description copied from interface: FeelToJuelTransform
        Transform a FEEL simple unary tests expression to a JUEL expression.
        Specified by:
        transformSimpleUnaryTests in interface FeelToJuelTransform
        simpleUnaryTests - the FEEL simple unary tests expression to transform
        inputName - the variable name of the input variable to test against
        the resulting JUEL expression
      • transformSimplePositiveUnaryTests

        public String transformSimplePositiveUnaryTests​(String simplePositiveUnaryTests,
                                                        String inputName)
        Description copied from interface: FeelToJuelTransform
        Transform a FEEL simple positive unary tests expression to a JUEL expression.
        Specified by:
        transformSimplePositiveUnaryTests in interface FeelToJuelTransform
        simplePositiveUnaryTests - the FEEL simple positive unary tests expression to transform
        inputName - the variable name of the input variable to test against
        the resulting JUEL expression
      • transformSimplePositiveUnaryTest

        public String transformSimplePositiveUnaryTest​(String simplePositiveUnaryTest,
                                                       String inputName)
        Description copied from interface: FeelToJuelTransform
        Transform a FEEL simple positive unary test expression to a JUEL expression.
        Specified by:
        transformSimplePositiveUnaryTest in interface FeelToJuelTransform
        simplePositiveUnaryTest - the FEEL simple positive unary test expression to transform
        inputName - the variable name of the input variable to test against
        the resulting JUEL expression
      • transformEndpoint

        public String transformEndpoint​(String endpoint,
                                        String inputName)
        Description copied from interface: FeelToJuelTransform
        Transform a FEEL endpoint expression to a JUEL expression.
        Specified by:
        transformEndpoint in interface FeelToJuelTransform
        endpoint - the FEEL endpoint expression to transform
        inputName - the variable name of the input variable to test against
        the resulting JUEL expression