Class SpringExpressionManager

  • public class SpringExpressionManager
    extends ExpressionManager
    ExpressionManager that exposes the full application-context or a limited set of beans in expressions.
    Tom Baeyens
    • Field Detail

      • applicationContext

        protected org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext
    • Constructor Detail

      • SpringExpressionManager

        public SpringExpressionManager​(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext,
                                       Map<Object,​Object> beans)
        applicationContext - the applicationContext to use. Ignored when 'beans' parameter is not null.
        beans - a map of custom beans to expose. If null, all beans in the application-context will be exposed.
      • SpringExpressionManager

        public SpringExpressionManager​(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext)
        applicationContext - the applicationContext to use.
        See Also:
        SpringExpressionManager(ApplicationContext, Map)