Class SpringBeansResolverFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • SpringBeansResolverFactory

        public SpringBeansResolverFactory​(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext applicationContext)
    • Method Detail

      • containsKey

        public boolean containsKey​(Object key)
        Description copied from interface: Resolver
        Allows checking whether there is currently an object bound to the key.
        Specified by:
        containsKey in interface Resolver
        key - the key to check
        true if there is currently an object bound to the key. False otherwise.
      • get

        public Object get​(Object key)
        Description copied from interface: Resolver
        Returns the object currently bound to the key or false if no object is currently bound to the key
        Specified by:
        get in interface Resolver
        key - the key of the object to retrieve.
        the object currently bound to the key or 'null' if no object is currently bound to the key.
      • keySet

        public Set<String> keySet()
        Description copied from interface: Resolver
        Returns the set of key that can be resolved using this resolver.
        Specified by:
        keySet in interface Resolver
        the set of keys that can be resolved by this resolver.