Class ExecuteJobsRunnable

    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
      • executeJob

        protected void executeJob​(String nextJobId,
                                  CommandExecutor commandExecutor,
                                  JobFailureCollector jobFailureCollector)
        Note: this is a hook to be overridden by org.camunda.bpm.container.impl.threading.ra.inflow.JcaInflowExecuteJobsRunnable.executeJob(String, CommandExecutor)
      • switchClassLoader

        protected ClassLoader switchClassLoader()
        Switch the context classloader to the ProcessEngine's to assure the loading of the engine classes during job execution
        Note: this method is overridden by org.camunda.bpm.container.impl.threading.ra.inflow.JcaInflowExecuteJobsRunnable#switchClassLoader() - where the classloader switch is not required
        the classloader before the switch to return it back after the job execution