Class DateTimeFunctionMapper

  • public class DateTimeFunctionMapper
    extends FunctionMapper
    Sebastian Menski
    • Field Detail


        public static Map<String,​Method> DATE_TIME_FUNCTION_MAP
    • Constructor Detail

      • DateTimeFunctionMapper

        public DateTimeFunctionMapper()
    • Method Detail

      • resolveFunction

        public Method resolveFunction​(String prefix,
                                      String localName)
        Description copied from class: FunctionMapper
        Resolves the specified prefix and local name into a java.lang.Method. Returns null if no function could be found that matches the given prefix and local name.
        Specified by:
        resolveFunction in class FunctionMapper
        prefix - the prefix of the function, or "" if no prefix. For example, "fn" in ${fn:method()}, or "" in ${method()}.
        localName - the short name of the function. For example, "method" in ${fn:method()}.
        the static method to invoke, or null if no match was found.
      • ensureContextFunctionMapInitialized

        protected void ensureContextFunctionMapInitialized()
      • createMethodBindings

        protected void createMethodBindings()
      • now

        public static Date now()
      • dateTime

        public static org.joda.time.DateTime dateTime()