Class BatchEntity

    • Field Detail

      • totalJobs

        protected int totalJobs
      • jobsCreated

        protected int jobsCreated
      • batchJobsPerSeed

        protected int batchJobsPerSeed
      • invocationsPerBatchJob

        protected int invocationsPerBatchJob
      • seedJobDefinitionId

        protected String seedJobDefinitionId
      • monitorJobDefinitionId

        protected String monitorJobDefinitionId
      • batchJobDefinitionId

        protected String batchJobDefinitionId
      • tenantId

        protected String tenantId
      • createUserId

        protected String createUserId
      • suspensionState

        protected int suspensionState
      • revision

        protected int revision
    • Constructor Detail

      • BatchEntity

        public BatchEntity()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Specified by:
        getId in interface Batch
        Specified by:
        getId in interface DbEntity
        the id of the batch
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Specified by:
        getType in interface Batch
        the type of the batch
      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
      • getTotalJobs

        public int getTotalJobs()
        Specified by:
        getTotalJobs in interface Batch
        the number of batch execution jobs required to complete the batch
      • setTotalJobs

        public void setTotalJobs​(int totalJobs)
      • getJobsCreated

        public int getJobsCreated()
        Specified by:
        getJobsCreated in interface Batch
        the number of batch execution jobs already created by the seed job
      • setJobsCreated

        public void setJobsCreated​(int jobsCreated)
      • getBatchJobsPerSeed

        public int getBatchJobsPerSeed()
        Specified by:
        getBatchJobsPerSeed in interface Batch
        number of batch jobs created per batch seed job invocation
      • setBatchJobsPerSeed

        public void setBatchJobsPerSeed​(int batchJobsPerSeed)
      • getInvocationsPerBatchJob

        public int getInvocationsPerBatchJob()
        Specified by:
        getInvocationsPerBatchJob in interface Batch
        the number of invocations executed per batch job
      • setInvocationsPerBatchJob

        public void setInvocationsPerBatchJob​(int invocationsPerBatchJob)
      • getSeedJobDefinitionId

        public String getSeedJobDefinitionId()
        Specified by:
        getSeedJobDefinitionId in interface Batch
        the id of the batch seed job definition
      • setSeedJobDefinitionId

        public void setSeedJobDefinitionId​(String seedJobDefinitionId)
      • getMonitorJobDefinitionId

        public String getMonitorJobDefinitionId()
        Specified by:
        getMonitorJobDefinitionId in interface Batch
        the id of the batch monitor job definition
      • setMonitorJobDefinitionId

        public void setMonitorJobDefinitionId​(String monitorJobDefinitionId)
      • getBatchJobDefinitionId

        public String getBatchJobDefinitionId()
        Specified by:
        getBatchJobDefinitionId in interface Batch
        the id of the batch job definition
      • setBatchJobDefinitionId

        public void setBatchJobDefinitionId​(String batchJobDefinitionId)
      • getTenantId

        public String getTenantId()
        Specified by:
        getTenantId in interface Batch
        the batch's tenant id or null
      • setTenantId

        public void setTenantId​(String tenantId)
      • getCreateUserId

        public String getCreateUserId()
        Specified by:
        getCreateUserId in interface Batch
        the batch creator's user id
      • setCreateUserId

        public void setCreateUserId​(String createUserId)
      • getConfiguration

        public String getConfiguration()
      • setConfiguration

        public void setConfiguration​(String configuration)
      • setSuspensionState

        public void setSuspensionState​(int state)
      • getSuspensionState

        public int getSuspensionState()
      • getConfigurationBytes

        public byte[] getConfigurationBytes()
      • setConfigurationBytes

        public void setConfigurationBytes​(byte[] configuration)
      • getPersistentState

        public Object getPersistentState()
        Description copied from interface: DbEntity
        Returns a representation of the object, as would be stored in the database. Used when deciding if updates have occurred to the object or not since it was last loaded.
        Specified by:
        getPersistentState in interface DbEntity
      • createSeedJob

        public JobEntity createSeedJob()
      • deleteSeedJob

        public void deleteSeedJob()
      • createMonitorJob

        public JobEntity createMonitorJob​(boolean setDueDate)
      • calculateMonitorJobDueDate

        protected Date calculateMonitorJobDueDate()
      • deleteMonitorJob

        public void deleteMonitorJob()
      • delete

        public void delete​(boolean cascadeToHistory,
                           boolean deleteJobs)
      • deleteVariables

        protected void deleteVariables​(CommandContext commandContext)
      • fireHistoricStartEvent

        public void fireHistoricStartEvent()
      • fireHistoricEndEvent

        public void fireHistoricEndEvent()
      • isCompleted

        public boolean isCompleted()
      • getReferencedEntityIds

        public Set<String> getReferencedEntityIds()
        Description copied from interface: HasDbReferences

        Scope: IN-MEMORY references

        Specified by:
        getReferencedEntityIds in interface HasDbReferences
        the ids of the entities that this entity references. Should only return ids for entities of the same type
      • getReferencedEntitiesIdAndClass

        public Map<String,​Class> getReferencedEntitiesIdAndClass()
        Description copied from interface: HasDbReferences

        Scope: IN-MEMORY references

        Specified by:
        getReferencedEntitiesIdAndClass in interface HasDbReferences
        a map of the ids and the entities' classes that this entity references. It's used when trying to determine if there was an Optimistic Locking occurrence on an INSERT or UPDATE of an object of this type.