Annotation Type CompleteTask

  • @InterceptorBinding
    public @interface CompleteTask
    Annotation signaling that a task is to be completed after the annotated method returns. Requires that the current unit of work (conversation or request) is associated with a task. This has the same effect as calling BusinessProcess.completeTask().

    Example: after this method returns, the current task is completed

     public void respond(String response, Message message) {
    If the annotated method throws an exception, the task is not completed.
    Daniel Meyer
    See Also:
    BusinessProcess.startTask(String), BusinessProcess.completeTask()
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean endConversation
      Specifies whether the current conversation should be ended.
    • Element Detail

      • endConversation

        boolean endConversation
        Specifies whether the current conversation should be ended.